CCW National Wire Press Release Distribution Points K-L

The following is CCW US National Wire Press Release Distribution via NetworkWire. CCW will distribute your company’s news using a combination of social media, online and traditional publication methods. Our Complete US National Wire Press Release Distribution circuit includes electronic distribution to media, the nation’s major newspapers and broadcast media, financial and trade publications, online sites, databases, professional investor desktops and relevant industry trade publications.

Complete CCW Distribution List Flipbook

KAAL−TV Austin MN Television
KABC−TV Los Angeles CA Television
KABC−TV Glendale CA Television
KABC−TV Washington DC Television
KABF−FM Little Rock AR Radio
KAGJ−FM Ephraim UT Radio
KAID−TV Boise ID Television
KAJO−AM Grants Pass OR Radio
KAKE−TV Wichita KS Television
KAKX−FM Mendocino CA Radio
Kalamazoo Gazette Kalamazoo MI Newspaper
KALB−TV Alexandria LA Television
KALL−AM Salt Lake City UT Radio
KALM−AM Thayer MO Radio
KALR−FM Hot Springs AR Radio
Kane’s Beverage Week New Jersey NJ Web Publication
Kansas City Business Journal Kansas City MO Newspaper
Kansas City Hispanic News Kansas City MO Newspaper
Kansas City infoZine Kansas City MO Electronic Media
Kansas City Kansan Kansas City KS Newspaper
KAPE−AM Cape Girardeau MO Radio
KARE 11 News at 10 Minneapolis MN Television
KARE 11 News at 5 Minneapolis MN Television
KARE 11 News at 5 Saturday Minneapolis MN Television
KARE 11 News at 6 Minneapolis MN Television
KARE−TV Minneapolis MN Television
KARE−TV Minneapolis−St. Paul MN Television
KARK−TV Little Rock AR Television
KARX−FM Amarillo TX Radio
Kastaway Kulis Outdoor World Bedford OH Television
KASW−TV Phoenix AZ Television
KATH−FM El Paso TX Radio
KATM−FM Modesto CA Radio
Katy Times Katy TX Newspaper
Kaukauna Times Villager Kaukauna WI Newspaper
KAVU−TV Victoria TX Television
KBAK−TV Bakersfield CA Television
KBAL−AM San Saba TX Radio
KBAL−FM San Saba TX Radio
KBCI−TV Boise ID Television
KBDI−TV Denver CO Television
KBEM−FM Minneapolis MN Radio
KBJR−TV Superior WI Television
KBJR−TV Duluth MN Television
KBOI−AM Boise ID Radio
KBOK−AM Malvern AR Radio
KBOT−FM Detroit Lakes MN Radio
KBPI−FM Denver CO Radio
KBRK−AM Brookings SD Radio
KBRK−FM Brookings SD Radio
KBUW−FM Laramie WY Radio
KBWS−FM Sisseton SD Radio
KBYN−FM Hughson CA Radio
KCAL−TV Los Angeles CA Television
KCBI−FM Arlington TX Radio
KCBS−AM San Francisco CA Radio
KCBS−FM Los Angeles CA Radio
KCBS−TV Los Angeles CA Television
KCCC−AM Carlsbad NM Radio
KCCE−TV San Luis Obispo CA Television
KCCI−TV Des Moines IA Television
KCCU−FM Lawton OK Radio
KCDI−FM Malvern AR Radio
KCJJ−AM Iowa City IA Radio
KCJZ−FM San Antonio TX Radio
KCNC−TV Denver CO Television
KCOH−AM Houston TX Radio
KCOP−TV West Hollywood CA Television
KCOS−TV El Paso TX Television
KCOZ−FM Point Lookout MO Radio
KCRA−TV Sacramento CA Television
KCRF−FM Newport OR Radio
KCST−AM Florence OR Radio
KCST−FM Florence OR Radio
KCSX−FM Brookfield MO Radio
KCTV5 News at 10 Shawnee Mission KS Television
KCTV5 News at 5 Shawnee Mission KS Television
KCTV5 News at 6 Shawnee Mission KS Television
KCTV−TV Kansas City MO Television
KCTV−TV Shawnee Mission KS Television
KCUR−FM Kansas City MO Radio
KCYS−FM Seaside OR Radio
KCYY−FM San Antonio TX Radio
KDAF−TV Dallas TX Television
KDAT−FM Cedar Rapids IA Radio
KDBB−FM Park Hills MO Radio
KDEC−FM Decorah IA Radio
KDFW−TV Dallas TX Television
KDKA−TV Pittsburgh PA Television
KDKA−TV News at 11 Pittsburgh PA Television
KDKA−TV News at 5 Pittsburgh PA Television
KDKA−TV News at 6 Pittsburgh PA Television
KDLH−TV Duluth MN Television
KDLM−AM Detroit Lakes MN Radio
KDLR−AM Devils Lake ND Radio
KDLT−TV Sioux Falls SD Television
KDLV−TV Sioux Falls SD Television
KDMO−AM Carthage MO Radio
KDOK−FM Tyler TX Radio
KDOT−FM Reno NV Radio
KDRV−TV Medford OR Television
KDTA−AM Delta CO Radio
KDTV−TV San Francisco CA Television
KDUS−AM Tempe AZ Radio
KDUZ−AM Hutchinson MN Radio
KDVL−FM Devils Lake ND Radio
KDWD−FM Spencer IA Radio
KECI−TV Missoula MT Television
Keepin’ the Faith Urbana IL Radio
KEES−AM Tyler TX Radio
Kelley Blue Book Irvine CA Electronic Media
Kellner Express WALNUT CA Television
KELO−TV Sioux Falls SD Television
KEMC−FM Billings MT Radio
KEND−FM Roswell NM Radio
Kennebec Journal Augusta ME Newspaper
Kenosha News Kenosha WI Newspaper
Kensei News &Information Henderson NV Electronic Media
KENS−TV San Antonio TX Television
Kentucky Ag−Net Louisville KY Radio
Kentucky Crops &Livestock Louisville KY Radio
Kentucky Life Lexington KY Television
Kentucky New Era Hopkinsville KY Newspaper
Kentucky News Network Louisville KY Radio Louisville KY Electronic Media
Kern Valley Sun Lake Isabella CA Newspaper
Kernersville News Kernersville NC Newspaper
Kerrville Daily Times Kerrville TX Newspaper
KerWest, Inc. Kerman CA Newspaper
KESP−AM Modesto CA Radio
Ketchikan Daily News Ketchikan AK Newspaper
KEX−AM Portland OR Radio
Key Analysis Research &Consulting Mableton, GA 30126 GA Electronic Media
KEYE−TV Austin TX Television
KEYQ−AM Camarillo CA Radio
KEZI−TV Eugene OR Television
KEZO−FM Omaha NE Radio
KFBB−TV Great Falls MT Television
KFCM−FM Hardy AR Radio
KFEB−FM Poplar Bluff MO Radio
KFFA−AM Helena AR Radio
KFFN−AM Tucson AZ Radio
KFJC−FM Los Altos Hills CA Radio
KFLP−FM Floydada TX Radio
KFLS−FM Klamath Falls OR Radio
KFMB−TV San Diego CA Television
KFMI−FM Eureka CA Radio
KFMO−AM Park Hills MO Radio
KFNW−AM Fargo ND Radio
KFOR−TV Oklahoma City OK Television
KFOX−TV El Paso TX Television
KFRM−AM Clay Center KS Radio
KFSM−TV Fort Smith AR Television
KFSN−TV Fresno CA Television
KFSR−FM Fresno CA Radio
KFTY−TV Santa Rosa CA Television
KFVS−TV Cape Girardeau MO Television
KFWB/Los Angeles Times Noon Business Hr Los Angeles CA Radio
KFWB−AM Los Angeles CA Radio
KFXX−AM Portland OR Radio
KFYE−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KGAL−AM Lebanon OR Radio
KGAM−AM Palm Springs CA Radio
KGAN−TV Cedar Rapids IA Television
KGBR−FM Gold Beach OR Radio
KGFW−AM Kearney NE Radio
KGLD−AM Tyler TX Radio
KGMB−TV Honolulu HI Television
KGON−FM Portland OR Radio
KGO−TV San Francisco CA Television
KGTL−AM Homer AK Radio
KGTO−AM Tulsa OK Radio
KGTV−TV San Diego CA Television
KGWC−TV Casper WY Television
KGWN−TV Cheyenne WY Television
KGW−TV Portland OR Television
KGZO−FM Camarillo CA Radio
KHAK−FM Cedar Rapids IA Radio
KHDN−AM Hardin MT Radio
KHKC−FM Atoka OK Radio
KHON−TV Honolulu HI Television
KHOU−TV Houston TX Television
KHOW−AM Denver CO Radio
KHQA−TV Quincy IL Television
KHQ−TV Spokane WA Television
KHRR−TV Tucson AZ Television
KHSU−FM Arcata CA Radio
KHTK−AM Sacramento CA Radio
KHYS−FM Abilene TX Radio
KICM−FM Ardmore OK Radio
KICU−TV Oakland CA Television
Kids, Parents &Family Hackettstown NJ Radio
Kiester Courier−Sentinel Kiester MN Newspaper
KIFI−TV Idaho Falls ID Television
KIKN−AM Port Angeles WA Radio
Killeen Daily Herald Killeen TX Newspaper
KILR−FM Estherville IA Radio
King Features Syndicate New York NY News Service/Syndicate
King Media Cleveland OH Newspaper
King Times News King NC Newspaper
Kingsport Times−News Kingsport TN Newspaper
KING−TV Seattle WA Television
KINY−AM Juneau AK Radio
KINZ−FM Chanute KS Radio
KIRO−AM Seattle WA Radio
KIRO−TV Seattle WA Television
KITI−AM Centralia WA Radio
KITI−FM Centralia WA Radio
KITV 4 News at 10 Honolulu HI Television
KITV 4 News at 5 Honolulu HI Television
KITV−TV Honolulu HI Television
KIVI−TV Nampa ID Television
KIZN−FM Boise ID Radio
KJJQ−AM Brookings SD Radio
KJMW−TV Ketchikan AK Television
KJRH−TV Tulsa OK Television
KJUD−TV Juneau AK Television
KJZY−FM Santa Rosa CA Radio
KKAT−FM Salt Lake City UT Radio
KKBD−FM Fort Smith AR Radio
KKCO−TV Grand Junction CO Television
KKHR−FM Abilene TX Radio
KKIA−FM Storm Lake IA Radio
KKJZ−FM Long Beach CA Radio
KKOK−FM Morris MN Radio
KKPS−FM Weslaco TX Radio
KKQQ−FM Brookings SD Radio
KKSN−AM Portland OR Radio
KKSN−FM Portland OR Radio
KKSU−AM Manhattan KS Radio
KKTV−TV Colorado Springs CO Television
KKXO−AM Eugene OR Radio
Klamath Falls Herald and News Klamath Falls OR Newspaper
KLAR−AM Laredo TX Radio
KLAS−TV Las Vegas NV Television
KLBA−AM Albia IA Radio
KLBA−FM Albia IA Radio
KLCO−FM Eugene OR Radio
KLCU−FM Lawton OK Radio
KLFR−FM Eugene OR Radio
KLFY−TV Lafayette LA Television
KLJB−TV Davenport IA Television
KLKN−TV Lincoln NE Television
KLKS−FM Breezy Point MN Radio
KLMO−AM Longmont CO Radio
KLOV−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KLPR−FM Kearney NE Radio
KLPZ−AM Parker AZ Radio
KLTV−TV Tyler TX Television
KLTX−AM Glendale CA Radio
KLTY−FM Dallas TX Radio
KLUA−FM Kamuela HI Radio
KLUB−FM Victoria TX Radio
KLUV−FM Dallas TX Radio
KLVA−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KLVB−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KLVC−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KLVJ−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KLVM−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KLVP−AM Sacramento CA Radio
KLVP−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KLVR−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KLVS−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KLVW−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KLX−AM Portland OR Radio
KLX−FM Portland OR Radio
KLYQ−AM Hamilton MT Radio
KMBC−TV Kansas City MO Television
KMBZ−AM Westwood KS Radio
KMCI−TV Kansas City MO Television
KMEX−TV Los Angeles CA Television
KMGE−FM Eugene OR Radio
KMGH−TV Denver CO Television
KMIR−TV Palm Springs CA Television
KMIZ−TV Columbia MO Television
KMKX−FM Ukiah CA Radio
KMOL−TV San Antonio TX Television
KMOV−TV St. Louis MO Television
KMOX Home Improvement Show St. Louis MO Radio
KMPS−FM Seattle WA Radio
KMRS−AM Morris MN Radio
KMSP−TV Minneapolis−St. Paul MN Television
KMUD−FM Redway CA Radio
KMUE−FM Redway CA Radio
KMVT−TV Twin Falls ID Television
KMXL−FM Carthage MO Radio
KNAA−FM Flagstaff AZ Radio
KNAU−FM Flagstaff AZ Radio
KNAZ−TV Flagstaff AZ Television
KNBC−TV Los Angeles CA Television
KNBC−TV Burbank CA Television
KNCI−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KNCU−FM Newport OR Radio
KNDD−FM Seattle WA Radio
KNDL−FM Angwin CA Radio
KNEM−AM Nevada MO Radio
Knight Ridder Newspapers Washington DC Newspaper
Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Service Washington DC News Service/Syndicate
KNLB−FM Lake Havasu City AZ Radio
KNLV−AM Ord NE Radio
KNLV−FM Ord NE Radio
KNMO−FM Nevada MO Radio
KNNK−FM Hereford TX Radio
KNPT−AM Newport OR Radio
KNRK−FM Portland OR Radio
KNRS−AM Salt Lake City UT Radio
KNSD−TV San Diego CA Newspaper
KNWS−AM Waterloo IA Radio
KNWX−AM Seattle WA Radio
KNX−AM Los Angeles CA Radio
KOA−AM Denver CO Radio
KOAA−TV Colorado Springs CO Television
KOAA−TV Pueblo CO Television
KOAM−TV Pittsburg KS Television
KOAT−TV Albuquerque NM Television
KODJ−FM Salt Lake City UT Radio
KOEA−FM Doniphan MO Radio
KOEL−AM Oelwein IA Radio
KOGA−FM Ogallala NE Radio
KOIL−AM Omaha NE Radio
KOIN−TV Portland OR Television
KOKH−TV Oklahoma City OK Television
Kokomo Tribune Kokomo IN Newspaper
KOLD−TV Tucson AZ Television
KOLD−TV Tucson 7831 N Business Park Television
KOMA−AM Oklahoma City OK Radio
KOMA−FM Oklahoma City OK Radio
KOMO−TV Seattle WA Television
KOMU News at 10 Weekend Columbia MO Television
KOMU News at 6 Columbia MO Television
KOMU News at 6 Weekend Columbia MO Television
KOMU−TV Columbia MO Television
KOMX−FM Pampa TX Radio
KONP−AM Port Angeles WA Radio
Kool Krew in the Morning Grand Junction CO Radio
KOPB−FM Portland OR Radio
KOSO−FM Modesto CA Radio
Kotaku NC Web Publication
KOTV−TV Tulsa OK Television
KOVR−TV Stockton CA Television
KOZI−AM Chelan WA Radio
KOZI−FM Chelan WA Radio
KPAM−AM Portland OR Radio
KPBS−TV San Diego CA Television
KPEN−FM Homer AK Radio
KPFB−FM Berkeley CA Radio
KPHO−TV Phoenix AZ Television
KPHO−TV 5 Weekend News Phoenix AZ Television
KPIG−FM Watsonville CA Radio
KPIX−TV San Francisco CA Television
KPLR−TV St. Louis MO Television
KPLU−FM Tacoma WA Radio
KPLX−FM Dallas TX Radio
KPNX−TV Phoenix AZ Television
KPNY−FM Alliance NE Radio
KPOD−AM Crescent City CA Radio
KPQ−FM Wenatchee WA Radio
KPRC−TV Houston TX Television
KPSI−AM Palm Springs CA Radio
KPSI−FM Palm Springs CA Radio
KPUR−AM Amarillo TX Radio
KPUR−FM Amarillo TX Radio
KQBN−TV Tucson AZ Television
KQIZ−FM Amarillo TX Radio
KQLX−AM Lisbon ND Radio
KQLX−FM Lisbon ND Radio
KQOD−FM Stockton CA Radio
KQV−AM Pittsburgh PA Radio
KRCG−TV Jefferson City MO Television
KRDO−TV Colorado Springs CO Television
KRDU−AM Dinuba CA Radio
KREM−TV Spokane WA Television
KREX−TV Grand Junction CO Television
KRKQ−FM Des Moines IA Radio
KRLA 870 AM Beverly Hills CA Radio
KRLD−AM Dallas TX Radio
KRMA−TV Denver CO Television
KRNI−AM Cedar Falls IA Radio
KROC−AM Rochester MN Radio
KROC−FM Rochester MN Radio
KRON−TV San Francisco CA Television
KROX−AM Crookston MN Radio
KRPQ−FM Rohnert Park CA Radio
KRRS−AM Santa Rosa CA Radio
KRTH−FM Los Angeles CA Radio
KRTZ−FM Cortez CO Radio
KRUI−FM Iowa City IA Radio
KRVA−FM Dallas TX Radio
KRVE−FM Baton Rouge LA Radio
KRVL−FM Kerrville TX Radio
KRVN−AM Lexington NE Radio
KRVN−FM Lexington NE Radio
KRWC−AM Buffalo MN Radio
KRWG−TV Las Cruces NM Television
KRXO−FM Oklahoma City OK Radio
KRXQ−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KSAT−TV San Antonio TX Television
KSAU−FM Nacogdoches TX Radio
KSBL−FM Santa Barbara CA Radio
KSDK−TV Saint Louis MO Television
KSDL−FM Sedalia MO Radio
KSDM−FM International Falls MN Radio
KSDN−FM Aberdeen SD Radio
KSDO−AM San Diego CA Radio
KSER−FM Lynnwood WA Radio
KSFY−TV Sioux Falls SD Television
KSHN−FM Liberty TX Radio
KSHO−AM Lebanon OR Radio
KSIG−AM Crowley LA Radio
KSKS−FM Fresno CA Radio
KSL Television News Salt Lake City UT Television
KSLA News 12 at 10 Shreveport LA Television
KSLA News 12 at 5 Shreveport LA Television
KSLA News 12 at 6 Shreveport LA Television
KSLA News 12 Sunday Shreveport LA Television
KSLA−TV Shreveport LA Television
KSL−TV Salt Lake City UT Television
KSNC−TV Garden City KS Television
KSNG−TV Garden City KS Television
KSNT−TV Topeka KS Television
KSNW−TV Wichita KS Television
KSOX−AM Edinburg TX Radio
KSPK−FM Walsenburg CO Radio
KSPR−TV Springfield MO Television
KSTP−FM Minneapolis MN Radio
KSUW−FM Laramie WY Radio
KSWO−TV Lawton OK Television
KSYM−FM San Antonio TX Radio
KTBB−AM Tyler TX Radio
KTBC−TV Austin TX Television
KTBS−TV Shreveport LA Television
KTEP−FM El Paso TX Radio
KTHS−AM Berryville AR Radio
KTHS−FM Berryville AR Radio
KTIV−TV Sioux City IA Television
KTKA−TV Topeka KS Television
KTKN−AM Ketchikan AK Radio
KTLA Los Angeles CA Television
KTLA Morning News Los Angeles CA Television
KTLA Morning News−Early Edition Los Angeles CA Television
KTLA−TV Los Angeles CA Television
KTLK−AM Denver CO Radio
KTLV−AM Oklahoma City OK Radio
KTMO−FM Portageville MO Radio
KTNN−AM Window Rock AZ Radio
KTRK−TV Houston TX Television
KTRR−FM Windsor CO Radio
KTRS−AM Saint Louis MO Radio
KTSM−FM El Paso TX Radio
KTTC−TV Rochester MN Television
KTTF−AM Springfield MO Radio
KTTN−AM Trenton MO Radio
KTTS−FM Springfield MO Radio
KTTV−TV Los Angeles CA Television
KTVB−TV Boise ID Television
KTVF−TV Fairbanks AK Television
KTVH−TV Helena MT Television
KTVI−TV Saint Louis MO Television
KTVK−TV Phoenix AZ Television
KTVO−TV Kirksville MO Television
KTVQ Billings MT Television
KTVQ−TV Billings MT Television
KTVU−TV Oakland CA Television
KTVZ−TV Bend OR Television
KTWO−TV Casper WY Television
KTWV−FM Los Angeles CA Radio
KTWV−FM Culver City CA Radio
KTXK−FM Texarkana TX Radio
KTXL−TV Sacramento CA Television
KUAD−FM Windsor CO Radio
KUAI−AM Eleele HI Radio
KUAT−TV Tucson AZ Television
KUBQ−FM La Grande OR Radio
KUCI−FM Dana Point CA Radio
KUHF−FM Houston TX Radio
KUIC−FM Vacaville CA Radio
KUMR−FM Rolla MO Radio
KUNY−FM Cedar Falls IA Radio
KUOM−AM Minneapolis MN Radio
KURR−FM Salt Lake City UT Radio
KURV−AM Edinburg TX Radio
KURY−AM Brookings OR Radio
KURY−FM Brookings OR Radio
KUSA−TV Denver CO Television
KUSI−TV San Diego CA Television
KUSU−FM Logan UT Radio
KUTV−TV Salt Lake City UT Television
KUWA−FM Laramie WY Radio
KUWJ−FM Laramie WY Radio
KUWN−FM Laramie WY Radio
KUWP−FM Laramie WY Radio
KUWR−FM Laramie WY Radio
KUWX−FM Laramie WY Radio
KVCT−TV Victoria TX Television
KVFC−AM Cortez CO Radio
KVII−TV Amarillo TX Television
KVIL−FM Dallas TX Radio
KVKI−FM Shreveport LA Radio
KVLU−FM Beaumont TX Radio
KVLV−AM Fallon NV Radio
KVLV−FM Fallon NV Radio
KVLY−TV Fargo ND Television
KVOA−TV Tucson AZ Television
KVON−AM Napa CA Radio
KVOS−TV Bellingham WA Television
KVPR−FM Fresno CA Radio
KVRC−AM Arkadelphia AR Radio
KVRE−FM Hot Springs Village AR Radio
KVUE 24 News at 10 Austin TX Television
KVUE 24 News at 5 Austin TX Television
KVUE 24 News at 6 Austin TX Television
KVUE 24 News Daybreak Austin TX Television
KVUE−TV Austin TX Television
KWAV−FM Monterey CA Radio
KWCH−TV Hutchinson KS Television
KWEI−FM Boise ID Radio
KWEN−FM Tulsa OK Radio
KWGN−TV Denver CO Television
KWKC−AM Abilene TX Radio
KWNE−FM Ukiah CA Radio
KWQC−TV Davenport IA Television
KWTV−TV Oklahoma City OK Television
KWWL−TV Waterloo IA Television
KWYR−AM Winner SD Radio
KWYR−FM Winner SD Radio
KXAN−TV Austin TX Television
KXAS−TV Fort Worth TX Television
KXCV−FM Maryville MO Radio
KXDL−FM Long Prairie MN Radio
KXEN−AM Tulsa OK Radio
KXLF−TV Butte MT Television
KXLS−FM Enid OK Radio
KXLY−AM Spokane WA Radio
KXLY−TV Spokane WA Television
KXOA−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KYCW−AM Seattle WA Radio
KYIS−FM Oklahoma City OK Radio
KYKN−FM Nephi UT Radio
KYLV−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KYMA−TV Yuma AZ Television
KYNG−FM Dallas TX Radio
Kyodo News New York NY News Service/Syndicate
KYQX−FM Weatherford TX Radio
KYTE−FM Newport OR Radio
KYTI−FM Sheridan WY Radio
KYW−AM Philadelphia PA Radio
KYW−TV Philadelphia PA Television
KYZS−AM Tyler TX Radio
KZEE−AM Weatherford TX Radio
KZHT−FM Salt Lake City UT Radio
KZLV−FM Sacramento CA Radio
KZOQ−FM Missoula MT Radio
KZRK−FM Amarillo TX Radio
KZST−FM Santa Rosa CA Radio
KZTK−AM Hughson CA Radio
KZXR−AM Prosser WA Radio
KZXR−FM Prosser WA Radio
KZYX−FM Philo CA Radio
La Actualidad Philadelphia PA Newspaper
La Crosse Tribune La Crosse WI Newspaper
La Grange Daily News Lagrange GA Newspaper
La Hora Tulcan Carchi Newspaper
La Nueva Prensa de California Lafayette CA Newspaper
LA Observed Los Angeles CA Web Publication
La Opinion Los Angeles CA Newspaper
La Prensa San Diego San Diego CA Newspaper
La Semana Garden City KS Newspaper
La Tarde Chilpancingo Guerrero Newspaper
La Tribuna Hispana − USA Hempstead NY Newspaper
La Voz Phoenix AZ Newspaper
LA Weekly Los Angeles CA Newspaper
LabMedica Miami FL Web Publication
Lafayette County Democrat Lewisville AR Newspaper
Lahaina News Lahaina HI Newspaper
Lake Arthur Sun−Times Lake Arthur LA Newspaper
Lake Charles American Press Lake Charles LA Newspaper
Lake City News &Post Lake City SC Newspaper
Lake Country Journal Baxter MN Electronic Media
Lake County Record−Bee Lakeport CA Newspaper
Lake Geneva News Lake Geneva WI Newspaper
Lake Preston Times De Smet SD Newspaper
Lake Preston Times Lake Preston SD Newspaper
Lake Sun Leader Camdenton MO Newspaper
Lakeshore Newspapers Waukesha WI Newspaper
Lakeshore Newspapers Cedarburg WI Newspaper
LakeSuperiorNews Grand Portage MN Web Publication
Lamar Democrat Lamar MO Newspaper
Lancaster Farming Ephrata PA Newspaper
Lancaster Intelligencer Journal Lancaster PA Newspaper
Lancaster New Era Lancaster PA Newspaper
Lansing Community Newspapers − Haslett Haslett MI Newspaper
Lansing State Journal Lansing MI Newspaper
Laptop Magazine New York NY Electronic Media
Laramie Daily Boomerang Laramie WY Newspaper
Laredo Morning Times Laredo TX Newspaper
Larry King Live Washington DC Radio
Larry King Live Washington DC Television
Larry King Weekend Washington DC Television
Las Americas HERALD Tampa FL Newspaper
Las Cruces Sun−News Las Cruces NM Newspaper
Las Noticias Atlanta GA Television
Las Vegas Review−Journal Las Vegas NV Newspaper
Las Vegas Sun Las Vegas NV Newspaper
Las Vegas Sun Henderson NV Newspaper
Latah Eagle Potlatch ID Newspaper
Late Model Digest Murphy NC Electronic Media
Late Mornings with Jeff Schechtman Napa CA Radio Los Angeles CA Electronic Media
Latin Blog Flushing NY Web Publication
Latin Business Chronicle Miami FL Electronic Media
Latin Finance New York NY Web Publication
Latin Publications Inc. Van Nuys CA Newspaper
Laurens County Advertiser Laurens SC Newspaper
Laurinburg Exchange Laurinburg NC Newspaper
Law 360 New York NY Wire Services
Law Line Huntsville AL Television San Francisco CA Electronic Media
Lawrence Journal−World Lawrence KS Newspaper
Le Mars Daily Sentinel Le Mars IA Newspaper
Leader−Herald Gloversville NY Newspaper
Leader−Telegram Eau Claire WI Newspaper
Leader−Times, Inc. Westfield NJ Newspaper
Lean Enterprise Institute Cambridge MA Web Publication
Learning About/The Global Learning Series Boca Raton FL Television
Lebanon Daily News Lebanon PA Newspaper
Lebanon Times Lebanon KS Newspaper
L’Echo Brussels None Newspaper
Ledger Lakeland FL Newspaper
Lee County Star−Tribune Apex NC Newspaper
Legacy News Highland Park MI Newspaper
Legal Challenges Glendale CA Radio
Legal Fish Chicago IL Web Publication
Legal Line with Bob Pittman Seattle WA Radio
Legendary Tones Los Gatos CA Electronic Media
Legit Reviews St. Louis MO Electronic Media New York NY Web Publication
Lennox Independent Lennox SD Newspaper
Leon Journal−Reporter Leon IA Newspaper
Let’s Motivate Minneapolis MN Radio
Let’s Talk Computers nashville TN Radio
Lewis Editorial Services Surrey BC Newspaper
Lewisboro Ledger Cross River NY Newspaper
Lewiston Morning Tribune Lewiston ID Newspaper
Lexington Herald−Leader Lexington KY Newspaper
Licking News Licking MO Newspaper
Life Quest with Bob Mix Vonore TN Radio
Life Science Executive Arlington VA Web Publication
Life Science: China Honolulu HI Web Publication
Lifetime Live New York NY Television New York NY Web Publication New York NY Electronic Media
Light Reading New York NY Electronic Media
Light Reading San Francisco CA Web Publication
LIMSfinder Atlanta GA Electronic Media
LIN Television Corp. New Haven CT Television
Lincoln County News Newcastle ME Newspaper
Lincoln Journal Star Lincoln NE Newspaper
Lingua Franca New York NY Electronic Media
Link Now Seoul None Web Publication
LinuxElectrons Cedar Park TX Electronic Media
Litchfield Independent−Review Litchfield MN Newspaper
Lititz Record−Express Lititz PA Newspaper
Live at 5 Orlando FL Television
Live at 5 Quincy IL Television
Live Westchester Yonkers NY Electronic Media
Living in Illinois Springfield IL Radio
Livingston County Daily Press &Argus Howell MI Newspaper Brampton ON Web Publication
Local 32BJ SEIU New York NY Web Publication
Local 8 News Weekend San Diego CA Television
Local First News at 11 Detroit MI Television
Local First News at 5 PM Detroit MI Television WKMG TV ORLANDO FL Television Durham NC Electronic Media
Location, Location, Location New York NY Television
Lockport Union−Sun &Journal Lockport NY Newspaper
Lodging Operator n/a None Web Publication
Lodi News−Sentinel Lodi CA Newspaper
Log Cabin Democrat Conway AR Newspaper
London Community News London ON Newspaper
Long Beach Herald Long Beach NY Newspaper
Long Island Catholic Roosevelt NY Newspaper
Long Island Press Syosset NY Newspaper Parker CO Web Publication
Longview News−Journal Longview TX Newspaper
Loose Cannons San Diego CA Radio
Los Alamos Monitor Los Alamos NM Newspaper
Los Angeles Business Journal Los Angeles CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Daily Journal Los Angeles CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Daily News woodland hills CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Downtown News Los Angeles CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times Sacramento CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times Agoura Hills CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times Washington DC Newspaper
Los Angeles Times New York NY Newspaper
Los Angeles Times San Diego CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times Los Angeles CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times San Francisco CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times Chatsworth CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times Chicago IL Newspaper
Los Angeles Times Atlanta GA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times − National Edition Los Angeles CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times − Orange County Edition Costa Mesa CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times − Orange County Edition Los Angeles CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times − Valley Edition Chatsworth CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times− Orange County Edition Costa Mesa CA Newspaper
Los Angeles Times Syndicate Los Angeles CA News Service/Syndicate
Los Angeles Wave Newspapers Los Angeles CA Newspaper
Lou Dobbs Moneyline New York NY Television
Louisiana Agri−News Network Baton Rouge LA Radio
Louisiana Network, Inc. Baton Rouge LA Radio
Louisiana Public Broadcasting Network Baton Rouge LA Television
Louisiana: The State We’re In Baton Rouge LA Television
Love Christian Fellowship Birdsboro PA Web Publication
Lovington Daily Leader Lovington NM Newspaper
LTC Today Springfield IL Electronic Media
Lubbock Avalanche−Journal Lubbock TX Newspaper
Lubes ‘n’ Greases Falls Church VA Electronic Media
Lucy’s Classic Cajun Culture &Cooking Baton Rouge LA Television
Lutcher News Examiner Lutcher LA Newspaper
Luxury Cruise News Chicago IL Electronic Media

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